112th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association
Meeting Dates
The scholarly program of the 2013 AAA Annual Meeting will begin in Chicago at 12:00 pm on Wednesday, November 20, and continue through noon on Sunday, November 24.
Online Submission and Deadlines
Please check the AAA website (www.aaanet.org) in January for online submission procedures. Be sure to read the helpful hints posted with the online AAA Annual Meeting call for papers. There are three different deadlines:
(a) Executive Sessions deadline is February 6.
(b) Invited Sessions and Public Policy Forum proposals are due March 15.
(c) All other sessions are due by 5:00 pm EST (10:00 pm GMT) April 15.
Types of Sessions and Events
There are eight types of sessions and events: (1) Executive Sessions submitted to and evaluated by the Executive Program Committee; (2) Invited Sessions organized by AAA sections; (3) Volunteered Sessions; (4) sessions constructed from individually volunteered papers or posters; (5) Public Policy Forums; (6) Media sessions organized by the Society for Visual Anthropology (submitted separately); (7) Special Events; and (8) Inno-vents. All sessions on the scholarly program are to be submitted as a single (1.75 hours) session or as a double (3.75 hours) session.
Executive Sessions
Proposals Due February 6
The 2013 AAA Executive Program Committee, in association with AAA President Leith Mullings, will select a small number of executive sessions that speak directly to the conference theme and serve to engage the broad constituency of anthropologists and our interlocutors. We particularly encourage proposals that draw out anthropology’s shifting place in the world in the widest sense: conceptual, political, social, economic. Such sessions can be traditional panels with papers, but we also encourage these to take different formats. The Executive Session proposals (and these proposals only) should be submitted online in the abstract system by February 6.
Section Invited Sessions
Proposals Due March 15
Each AAA Section is responsible for the organization of one or more innovative, synthesizing sessions intended to reflect the state-of-the-art and the thematic concerns in the major subfields. Members should work closely with the section program editors when planning invited sessions. The Invited Session proposal deadline is March 15. To submit a proposal for an invited session, go to www.aaanet.org and follow the links to the call for papers. A session abstract of up to 500 words is required. Sessions designated as invited sessions will not be subject to further review, but participants are bound by the rules of the meeting and must submit final abstracts, meeting registration forms and fees via www.aaanet.org by April 15.
Volunteered Sessions
Proposals Due April 15
All sessions must be submitted online at www.aaanet.org. The organizer must select one appropriate section for review. If accepted, the volunteered session will be listed as part of the reviewing section’s program. The program committee strongly urges members to contact and work closely with section program editors and to follow the guidelines:
The organizer is responsible for articulating the session theme and relevance in the session abstract. Each paper should reflect the session’s concept. Poorly integrated groupings are subject to revision or distribution of papers to other sessions.
Session presentations, discussion periods and breaks must be included in the proposal at the time of submission. A maximum of 15 minutes will be allotted for any single paper presentation, discussant, break or discussion period.
Papers within a proposed session will be evaluated individually. Organizers should be prepared for the possibility that some proposed papers may be rejected and others substituted or added.
LCD projectors will be provided for each scholarly session on the AAA program. Audiovisual equipment must be operated by the participant. No changes to the original audiovisual order submitted online may be made after April 15.
Every participant included in the proposal, including paper presenters, roundtable presenters, chairs, discussants and organizers must be registered to attend the Annual Meeting by April 15 to appear in the program.
Organizers must limit proposals to one session, with a total scheduled time of either 1.75 hours or 3.75 hours. There are no exceptions to this rule.
All paper or poster presentation proposals must be submitted via the AAA website.
To submit a session, go to www.aaanet.org and follow the links to the call for papers. A session abstract of up to 500 words is required. Meeting registration forms and fees must be submitted for each participant. Submission deadline is 5:00 pm EST (10:00 pm GMT) April 15.
Individually Volunteered Papers and Posters
Proposals Due April 15
The program committee welcomes the submission of individual papers and posters independent from organized sessions. For evaluation purposes, the author of each individually volunteered paper and poster must select one appropriate section for the review process.
To submit an individually volunteered paper or poster, go to www.aaanet.org and follow the links to the call for papers. A paper or poster abstract of up to 250 words is required. Proposals must be accompanied by the meeting registration fee. Deadline is 5:00 pm EST (10:00 pm GMT) April 15. Accepted volunteered papers and posters will be grouped by the program committee into sessions around a common topic or theme. A maximum of 15 minutes will be allotted for each paper presentation.
Public Policy Forums
Proposals Due March 15
AAA’s public policy forums provide a place to discuss critical social issues affecting anthropology, public policy issues of interest to anthropologists, and public policy issues that could benefit from anthropological knowledge or expertise. They engage panelists (who may or may not be anthropologists) and audience members in a discussion of public policy issues to enhance the application of anthropological knowledge in society at large. Recognizing that there are diverse perspectives on panel topics, public policy forums seek to present balanced views to promote dialogue among participants. Ideally, at least one policymaker will be included in each forum.
No papers are presented in public policy forums. The ideal format includes a moderator and no more than seven panelists. Following introductions, the moderator proceeds to pose questions to panelists as a group or individually. Adequate time should be set aside at the end of each forum for audience participation. Generally, each public policy forum is scheduled for 105 minutes. Since the dual purpose of the forum is to maximize discussion of policy issues among the panelists and the audience, it is recommended the forum be structured as follows: introduction (15 minutes); moderator-posed questions and answers (60 minutes); and audience questions and comments (30 minutes).
To submit a public policy forum, go to www.aaanet.org and follow the links to the call for papers. In the submission area, select “public policy forum” under the session option. Refer your proposal to the AAA Committee on Public Policy for review, not a section. When you complete the Session Structure Form, identify the moderator and potential panelists and note that your time allotment is 1.75 hours. Submit an abstract of 500 words describing the public policy issue to be discussed. The deadline for forum submissions is 5:00 pm EST (10:00 pm GMT) March 15.
Media Submissions
Proposals Due April 15
The 2013 SVA/AAA Film, Video and Interactive Media Festival will take place during the 112th AAA Annual Meeting. As in the past, the Society for Visual Anthropology will select a jury of anthropologists and film scholars to decide which submissions to include in the festival and which among those will receive awards. SVA continues to welcome interactive media work and also encourages short work that is under 15 minutes. DVD formats are acceptable. Submitted materials will not be returned. Please check the SVA website in early February for submission details, including additional information on preferred formats. Submission deadline is April 15.
Award winners will be notified in the summer and clips of award-winning films may be placed on SVA’s website. For more information see the Society for Visual Anthropology’s website at www.societyforvisualanthropology.org.
Special Event Proposals
Proposals Due April 15
Special Events are business meetings, committee and board meetings, workshops, food and beverage functions, which will be scheduled as part of the special events program and are the responsibility of the executive office.
To avoid conflicts with scientific sessions, most special events are limited to 1.25 hours and are scheduled during the times 12:15–1:30 pm and after 6:00 pm. To submit a special event proposal, go to the AAA homepage. Follow the links to the call for papers. Workshop proposals must be submitted online by April 15. First priority in the assignment of time and space will be given to AAA and Section business, board and committee meetings. Other special events will be accommodated to the degree possible.
For events sponsored by organizations other than AAA Sections, there is an administrative fee of $500 to cover costs of arrangements and inclusion in the program. The Special Events Program will not accommodate panels, papers or professional presentations that belong on the scientific program. To be listed in the meeting program, special event proposals must be accompanied by administrative fees at the time of submission.
Inno-vent Proposals
Proposals Due April 15
Inno-vents are aimed at exploring anthropological knowledge outside the more familiar arenas and bringing together people, activities, materials and ideas that might not normally coincide. Unlike most other events, Inno-vents can occur outside the main conference venue in San Francisco and can have a variety of different characteristics. They are aimed at stretching the contexts in which anthropological knowledge is both generated and practiced. Because of the unique and innovative nature of these events, each may require additional time to work out logistics. If you have an idea that might require some organizational creativity or logistical advice, please contact us as soon as possible at aaameetings@aaanet.org. Participation in an Inno-vent is treated as a primary role such as papers and roundtables.
Review Procedures
The AAA follows a policy of peer review and merit consideration for acceptance and inclusion in the program. Proposals for Executive Sessions should be submitted in the abstract system by February 6. The Executive Program Committee will review all proposed executive sessions and deliver decisions by March 1. Organizers of sessions not given this status can still submit their information to any of the 38 AAA sections for review for either invited or volunteered status.
The deadline to propose a session for Invited Session status will be March 15. Those seeking invited session status will submit their applications online, in the same way as applying for volunteered sessions. Sections will email results by April 4 to all those who submit proposals for invited sessions, so session organizers not receiving this status will automatically be moved into general review as a volunteered session.
Volunteered Sessions and Individually Volunteered Papers and Posters are reviewed by program editors and committees established by each AAA Section and are due by April 15. Public Policy Forum proposals are reviewed by the Executive Program Committee and the Committee on Public Policy. Deadline for online submission is March 15. Special Event proposals are reviewed and organized by the executive office. Inno-vent proposals are reviewed by the Executive Program Committee, in collaboration with section program editors where appropriate.
Regardless of status, all session proposals must be submitted through www.aaanet.org by April 15, 2013.Organizers and presenters are required to select one review section when submitting proposals online. Secondary review sections may be selected in the event the primary section editor wants to transfer the submission. The decision should be made on the basis of content and intended audience; membership in a section has no bearing on the review process. The recommendations of sections are forwarded to the Executive Program Chair, who assumes final responsibility for the acceptance or rejection of proposals. The Executive Program Committee prepares the final program schedule according to the rankings submitted by each Section. All final program notifications about acceptance and scheduling will be mailed by the Executive Program Chair. There is no appeal process.
Presentation Policy
Participants may only: (1) present one paper, or serve as a participant on roundtable or Inno-vent and (2) accept no more than one secondary role other than a paper presentation, such as discussant or chair. The policy of one major presentation plus one other secondary role will be strictly enforced. The program committee will remove any name that appears more than twice on the scholarly program and urges individuals to refrain from accepting more than one commitment of any kind in the scholarly program. A participant may be credited with co-authorship of one or more additional papers when co-authorship is understood to include participation on a research project. Presenters’ names must appear first.
No proposals for participation in the scholarly program of the meeting can be considered unless formally submitted online through the AAA website. Participation is a benefit of AAA membership and limited to current members. To update your membership or join, contact AAA at (+1)703/528-1902, ext 1178 or visit www.aaanet.org. The membership requirement may be waived for scholars from other disciplines or for anthropologists from countries other than the United States or Canada. Details regarding this policy can be found online at www.aaanet.org. Registration fees will not be waived. All persons who expect to be listed as participants on the scholarly and special events program must register by 5:00 pm EST (10:00 p.m. GMT) April 15. Registration fees will not be refunded to participants who cancel their participation after the submission deadline.
Refund Policy
Refunds are not available to participants who cancel after April 15. Exceptions are made only if a proposal is not accepted for inclusion in the 2013 Annual Meeting Program. Instructions for receiving a refund in the instance of a rejected proposal will be sent with the notifications in summer 2013.
If you have questions regarding participation guidelines, please contact the AAA Meetings Department (aaameetings@aaanet.org).
2013 Dates to Remember
January 15
Online abstract submission system opens for executive sessions only
February 6
Deadline for executive session proposals online at www.aaanet.org
February 15
Online abstract submission system opens
March 1
Decisions on executive sessions announced
March 15
Proposal deadline for section invited sessions and public policy forums via www.aaanet.org
April 4
Results of section invited session proposals announced
April 15
Proposal deadline for volunteered sessions, individual paper and poster presentations, media submissions and special events via www.aaanet.org. To be included in the 2013 AAA Annual Meeting program, participants must be registered by this date.
April 16–May 31
Section program editors review and rank proposals
June 1–15
AAA Executive Program Committee schedules program
July 1–15
• Program decisions emailed to applicants
• Annual Meeting Program, registration and hotel information are posted online
November 20–24
2013 AAA Annual Meeting in Chicago
via Anthropology-News http://www.anthropology-news.org/index.php/2012/12/10/general-rules-for-participation-2/
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